I’m looking for a 64bit datatype which the gcc compiler accepts. Unsigned long long doesn’t work. I’m using NET+OS6.3 and gcc version 3.3.1.
I have tried the following 64bit datatypes in a simple project and they seem to work fine. I am not sure what you were looking for, but most of these have been available since version 5.0
typedef union
WORD64_S s;
WORD32 array[2];
unsigned long long x;
} WORD64;
typedef struct
WORD32 lsw;
WORD32 msw;
} WORD64_S;
typedef union
INT64_S s;
WORD32 array[2];
long long x;
} INT64;
typedef struct
WORD32 lsw;
WORD32 msw;
} INT64_S;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
typedef signed long long int64;