I’m having a problem with XBees that I’ve configured as API devices, then reconfigured as AT devices. I have to keep hitting reset in order to send AT commands, communication is intermittent at best. Again, this seems to only be a problem with radios that have been reconfigured from API to AT firmware.
Anybody else have this problem? Any suggestions?
Is your XBee module is programmed as end device?
If the module is in cyclic sleep you will see the ON/SLEEP# LED toggling continuously. X-CTU cannot wake up the device so that’s what is going on.
Press the commissioning button once to wake up the radio for 30 seconds and configure the module. If you use pin-sleep you can control when the module sleeps. Best regards,
Yeah of course so first think then commanding.
I was wondering if there is ANY way of changing the firmware of the S3 to some other firmware which does have these features. any suggestion really appreciated.
I don’t think there is any procedure for this .