Sometimes, I’m unable to get my pair of XBee Pro 900HP 200k devies to communicate in transparent mode. My application will use XBee Pro 900HP 200K’s in transparent mode in either 9600 baud or 115200 baud. At the moment, I’m powering both XBee Pro 900HP devices via the XBee USB adapter. The FTDI drivers are installed. I have downloaded the latest XTCU. Both XBee Pro devices have had their fw update.
I see the communication problem in the Console of XTCU. Sometimes, it looks like neither of the receivers can see the characters sent. Sometimes, the receivers only show some of the characters sent. Sometimes, it looks like nothing is sent. But, the red and blue LED’s to indicate transmission and receiving coincide with keyboard strokes.
I think I have found the problem. to change baud rate, I was only writing the BD field. I discovered if I changed the BD field and then did a full write of all fields by clicking on the Write icon at the top of XTCU, then by pair of XBee Pro 900HP 200K devices could communicate at 9600 or 115200 reliably.
Is the problem I’m having due ot only programming the BD field or is is really an issue of USB power(perhaps the USB power isn’t coming up cleanly and it is causing the XBee Pro 900HP 200K to get into a bad state)?