Can Digi One SP or other Digi product have serial tunneling to multiple Digi endpoints?

Is it possible to configure a single Digi One SP to have serial tunnels to more than one other Digi One SP, such as for redundancy? Or is there another Digi product that can accomplish this?

We need a way for one field serial device to communicate with two datacenter serial devices for a primary/backup scenario. Or is there another way to accomplish this, such as using multicast from the sending serial side out to multiple Digi serial-IP converters on the receiving side? The receiving side would also have to reply back to the sender, so it would need to allow for bidirectional communication.

Thanks for any advice!

This is not possible with a serial tunnel. However, if you use TCP sockets or RealPort, you might be able to accomplish this using port sharing.

Thanks for the reply. I ended up using UDP sockets and manually configured UDP Clients on the Serial Port | Port Profile screen. I have the “endpoint” Digi configured to send UDP traffic to both the “primary” Digi and the “backup” Digi (since only the primary or backup serial device is listening at any given time). Then I have the “primary” and “backup” Digi’s configured to send UDP traffic to the “endpoint” Digi. So far, so good!

Thank you again.