Can someone help me to config PWM output from A/D

I want to set one module Xbee as a transmitter with 2DI and 1 A/D by using potentialmeter
then sent to the another Xbee as a receiver and generate 2DO and 1PWM to control LEDs

i use Xbee pro s3b 900HP 200K

thanks for your help

That is not a function that is supported by that product. At least not with an external processor.

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So that mean i bought the wrong product xbee right?
But it have A/D for which application ?
And which function of PWM that the product will support ?

Last, can you suggest me about the type of xbee
That can sampling A/D and directly sent to another for converting to PWM
? Beacause i want to use them for a remote motor controller as a speed adjustable more than 1200meters far away

That is correct. You purchased the wrong one. This one only does Analog to Digital conversion. It does not do Digital to Analog.

You need to purchase the XBee 802.15.4 modules for what you are looking for. That is the S1 with the 802.15.4 code.