Cannot Discovery WiME modules


I have no Development Kit, just Wi-ME -S modules.
I need to configure them but i can’t even discover them.
I made power connection to them (15 and 16 pin).
I tried by Ad-Hoc with my WiFi (at USB) but my WiFi didn’t connect with Wi-ME. So i prepared AccessPoint on LAN (or WiFi on my PC) with Infrastructure connection type. Any security was disabled.
Wi-ME after powerup is finding AccessPoint - Yellow Led blinks few times (1-after power up then 5sec-pause, 2times then 5sec pause) then is ON all the rest time.
When Yellow LED is ON Green LED blinking all the time.
My AccessPoint in status page shows me MAC of my Wi-ME.
Then i try Discover but no devices is found. No mather I use - DigiDiscover, DigiSetupWizard.
I made DHCP server on my AccesPoint with 3 free IP addresses, but i can’t ping them so I think Wi-ME doesn’t set any of these IPs.
Finally, if I connect normally wired ConnectME to my LAN I can Discover those ConnectME with no problem.

Please help me with information how can I connect (or Discover) to my wireless ConnectWi-ME.

Hello Again.
Today early morning I tried again.
I though I have to give up. But I found that my AccessPiont makes Conflict (orange diode blinks) on my LAN-HUB. I changed 3 cables with no results. This orange Conflict diode was blinking all the time. I can connect and manage or view stats via web-config-page and see Wi-ME MAC number connected do AccesPoint regardless of that Conflict signal.
I made hard reset to this AccessPoint and configure again then Conflict diode was shut down and no blinks any more.
The secound thing I changed: I plugged off my wifi (USB) so I connect to AccessPoint only through the wired LAN.
Surprise. DigiDiscovery found my ConnectWi-ME.

Oh… I almost forgot about one thing. After HardReset to the AccessPoint I didn’t change network IP from 192.168.1. to 192.168.0. like yesterday. And this Wi-ME was found as (DHCP server on AccessPoint was set from x.100 to x.150). I don’t know is that matter or not.

Today I can configure my Wi-ME and it works… about 5 minute from last sended pocket. After this time I cant even ping the Wi-ME, and I have to power off and power on this stupid AccessPoint. I’m not even sure it’s AccessPoint’s fault or Wi-ME’s.
I will try to find out on monday.