CME9210: UBOOT using serial port 2

Hi all,

Does anybody know how to configure uboot to use serial port 2 (JTAG connector) instead of serial port 1?


You’ve to do a new U-BOOT project (easy with the wizard), then click on the project name and choose “configure project” -> U-Boot setting -> Select the serial port for the bootloader console

Hi monnoliv

Thanks for your answer. I tried to configure u-boot with “Configure Project” in ESP that calls gconfigure. However these settings does not have any influence on building u-boot. The same with the file digi_common.h.

I modified the file cme9210.h in proj-dir/build/U-Boot/include/configs. Changing CONFIG_CONS_INDEX to 2 makes that u-boot uses the UART on the JTAG interface.
