Compatibility between XBee PRO 900HP and XBee SX modules

I have got new Xbee SX modules for their superior range qualities. I was using 900HP modules previously and I would love to continue using the 900HPs and include the new SX modules for large range applications.
I have tried communicating between these two in vain. I have tried both modules at 10 KBps data rate (to make both same). Please note that there are 10, 110 and 250 KBPS date rates available for SX modules whereas 900HPs have 10 and 200kbps date rates.

Any definitive help in this regard would be much appreciated!


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The two products are not capable of communicating with each other as they require a different amount of channels to operate over.

Thank Mvut you for your prompt response.

Is there some way I could communicate between these two? Using some kind of intermediate nodes?

The answer is NO. You can’t. They are two completely different products offering different functions.

This is beyond insanity. Branding all the modules the same: XBee Pro, and they all use 900MHz frequency bands, and they all support DigiMesh, but they are not compatible with each other???

How on earth could the design group come up with such a thing? Did they seriously have this conversation: “We’ll make two products under the same branding, with the same frequency and feature support, but we’ll make them INCOMPATIBLE with each other!”

How could anyone think this is a “GOOD” design decision?

They could AT LEAST publish a compatibility matrix somewhere - like with all the XBee products! At this point, I have no idea which Digi PRO modules can be used with the others, and I have no idea how to find out. Is there an interoperability matrix that clarifies this?

Look at the comparison chart at the middle of this page:

You’ll see the Digi Pro SX modems and Digi Pro 900HP modems have the SAME specs. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THEY DON’T WORK TOGETHER??? More importantly, WHY DON’T THEY WORK TOGETHER???

They could also NAME THE PRODUCTS DIFFERENTLY so that we don’t assume they’re all part of the same interoperable family.
