I’m using the XBee Python Library to perform OTA file system updates on XBee3 Zigbee modules with the update_remote_filesystem_image function in digi.xbee.filesystem. This function expects a file with a .ota extension, but XCTU generates a file with a .fsota extension, causing it to fail:
if (not _file_exists(self._file_path)
or (not self._file_path.endswith(EXTENSION_OTA)
and not self._file_path.endswith(EXTENSION_OTB))):
raise _ParsingOTAException(_ERROR_INVALID_OTA_FILE % self._file_path)
Changing either the EXTENSION_OTA constant to “.fsota” or the file extension from .fsota to .ota allows the update to proceed (seemingly) without issues. Are .ota and .fsota file formats identical? If not, how can I generate .ota images using XCTU or another tool?