Connectcore 6 SBC RT support and patching issue

Hi there I created a yocto image from connectcore 6 sbc dey documentation. Then I needed to compile real time linux so I tried to add to dey but even the system uses 5.15.71 kernel the 5.15.71-rt51.patch Hunks a lot and not patching itself. Which version of RT patch should I use or how can I do it with any of methods?
looks like Digi implemented RT-PREEMPT for newer hardware like ConnectCore 93, MP15, MP13 which are on kernel version 6.x
For the older platforms which are still on kernel 5.15, RT-PREEMPT is not available out of the box. With the instructions from NXP it can be patched, or you wait until Digi lifts ConnectCore 6 Plus to kernel 6.x

Other option you contact Digi Technical Support for suggestions:
but this is beyond Base support, as it is currently not supported out of the box.