ConnectCore 6UL compile and download Digi example with Eclipse IDE

I am playing around with ConnectCore 6 SBC and Digi Embedded Yocto, but I have a problem with Eclipse configuration. I followed Digi Embedded Yocto DEY documentation (|_____1) and downloaded precompiled firmware image to the CC6UL. The board boots as expected, and I’m able to control it via terminal, so far so good.
Now, I would like to compile one of the provided test applications “apix_gpio_example”, which allows controlling USER_LED (USER_LED1/IO_23) based on input GPIO (MCA_IO1) defined in /etc/libdigiapix.conf.
The compilation finishes with success, but I’m not able to download the binary directly to the board. On my current setup the CC6UL is connected to my wireless LAN network, and accessible via SSH from the terminal running on the host. But Eclipse just allows configuring a “generic connection” and no SSH connection for file transfer from host to CC6UL. So I have to do this manually after each run. Is there any way to configure an automatic file transfer after compilation has finished?

After manual transfer and execution, I get the following error message:
libsoc-file-debug: Invalid argument
Failed to initialize output GPIO

As far as I could find out, the USER_LED is controlled by IO_Expander (basically a Cortex M0 Microcontroller which is controlled by I2C_1(?) of CC6UL, is not available in /sys/class/gpio. Based on documentation IO-expander is mapped to gpio456 ( Unfortunately a manual export request fails with error message “invalid argument”.

echo 456 > /sys/class/gpio/export

What could be the reason for missing gpiochip456 in /sys/class/gpio directory? The firmware is release 2.2 r3. Downloaded from

I would highly appreciate your support to fix this issues on my setup.


>But Eclipse just allows configuring a “generic connection” and no SSH connection for file transfer from host to CC6UL.

Stock images do not have debug features enabled. Please build your own images with debug enabled.

>What could be the reason for missing gpiochip456 in /sys/class/gpio directory?

What is the revision of your board? You probably do not have firmware in io expander. Please contact digi support at help on this one