I have previously connected to a number of Connect-ME devices to upgrade the firmware using the diagnostics mode and a jumper on the development board I have. However, I appear to have forgotten the settings that need to be entered into hyper-terminal to connect to my T-FTP server. Can anyone tellme what needs to be entered into the fields:
is my question in some way inapropriate for this group? I have been successful in achieving this in the past but I am not sure why this is not working. I have my TFTP server running but I keep getting a failed msg:
Enter choice (ESC to exit-TFTP Related Options)[123] :3
Working, please wait …
TFTP() returned Failure: 0 bytes
IP Address: A static IP for your ConnectME
network mask: leave blank
network gateway: leave blank
network TFTP server: The IP address of your TFTP server
Usually the internal network is 192.168.x.y where x is the network and y is the machine. For instance, if your TFTP server is running on, then set your connectME to something like Usually IP addresses above 200 are not preassigned.