Data Acquisition lib recommendations

looking for recommendations for a data acquisition lib/com for VB .net. something besides the mscomm object.

i’m going to write a simple program and i want it to grab my sensor data coming into the pc and get it into excel. can’t afford any of the high price products like SaxComm objects, etc.

wondering what other users here on a simple level use to grab their incoming data and get it into an app.

I’m currently using the serialport event for transmitting and receiving the packets. Planning to use datagridview to view and send information received to excel. Is this the best approach…don’t know, but it will work for my project.


How you have made ti receive the data from the sensor? What language of programming you used?

I want to do the same thing like you, but i dont`t know how.


that is a good approach. my app is pretty simple. for now i will drop in the mscomm32.ocx control and grab incoming data on that event too. for now should be fine. or i’ll fall back on the SerialPort obj in .net.


sensors are connected to a mcu then to a xbee series I.

coordinator is connected to pc via usb, no mcu there.

experimenting with VB.NET 2008 using the namespace/class System.IO.Ports.SerialPort and suggestions from

i’ll also experiment having the sensors connected directly to the xbee pin D0 and not make use of a mcu

there one or two free good java libs and few good “c” libs out there for xbee’s though i’m not interested in using java.

as for VB.Net haven’t found any though certainly doable to roll your own which i’ll have to do if we stay with VB.NET. we need our data into msaccess or mssql.

I moved your thread to a better forum for it since the questions aren’t hardware specific to 802.15.4. Hopefully you’ll get some good input there.