Dialog hangs after +/- 10 seconds.

Dialog hangs after +/- 10 seconds.

I uploaded image.bin (a Debug build) to my DigiConnect ME module.
I’m using UDP for stdio.
I’m using /com/1 (the second serial port) for the dialog.

When the module boots and I try to modify the settings via the dialog (via the serial port), it hangs after about 10 seconds:

“Press any key in 5 seconds to change these settings.”
I press a key.
“Press A to Accept the settings, or M to Modify”
"Enter the root password: "
Before I can enter the complete password the module hangs (no * appears anymore when I press a key, backspace also doesn’t work).

What could be the problem?
(If I don’t modify any settings it just continues booting and my own software works fine.)