I got 5 new digi connect me (DC-ME-01T-PS). 3 of them work fine, but 2 of them keep rebooting every couple of seconds. Does anyone know why this could happen? I tried updating their firmware but they just keep rebooting over and over again.
Any idea or suggestions on how to debug this are welcome.
Are you putting them on the Digi provided development board or your own PCB? If they reboot constantly on the Digi provided development board, you should contact tech support to have them RMA’d. If it only happens on your PCB, you should look at your reset line (pin 14) and make sure it’s floating (no pullups or shortings to ground).
Unfortunately, I don’t have the dev board. We use them on our own board. I checked the RST line and it is floating.
Today I discovered that one of the two Digi Connects which didn’t work magically started working again. I didn’t do anything special with it, except that it was unplugged for a couple of days. I will see how long it takes until it crashes again. Could it be that the digi overheats, because I have additional components powered from it (I have the Power over Ethernet ones).
I found the problem. We tripped our power supply’s short circuit protection with some funky power monitoring that we do. I actually found the problem while testing for the RST lines, so thanks a lot for pointing me into the right direction
Thomas: Could you explain with a little more details the problem that you found in your power supply and the solution you arrived to? I will appreciate your comments because I´ve the SAME problem with many digi modules. Specially when I try to use WPA PSK TKIP ENCRYPTION, there are a lot of “Decryption errors” and the digi keeps rebooting without engage with the AP. (the link led keeps blinking). (I designed a protection circuit with a polyswitch and a zener diode so as to guarantee 3.3V at digi supply pins.)
Thank you!