I’ve successfully set up a DigiOne SP on my home LAN with a fixed IP. I can get to it via my browser or successfully loopback via telnet. I’ve also gotten it to work with the serial input to a Ham radio.
However, when I connect the serial port to the output of a NAPCO alarm system the alarm system can’t connect and I get the message Communications Retry… timeout from the alarm system.
If I connect the serial output of a notebook PC to the NAPCO, I get successful communication.
When I look at the status I get CTS active. When I attempt to use the NAPCO software RTS becomes active, but I get no communication. I do notice that TCP Server is available, but TCP Client is unavailable, but I don’t know the meaning of this.
Anyone have any suggestions on what to try next?
In summary, application works great on a real serial port, and the DigiOne works great with another application!
Thanks… DHK