Does SYSPREP work with AccelePort ?


I need some help. I have been trying for some time to create an image of a Dell 330 PC with an AccelePort card using sysprep than reimaing a Dell 960 PC with it. Everything works, except the Digiboard AccelePort. On the 330, I see COM5-COM12, but on the 960 after reimaging it is set to COM13-COM20, and COM13 cannot be reassigned to COM5.

Any ideas???



Sorry, I have no idea about sysprep.
However, I suspect that the Dell 960 previously had an 8 port adapter installed and that for some reason the drivers had not been uninstalled from the device manager prior to removing the adapter.
The result is what are referred to as “phantom” ports. WE have detailed kbase article on how to resolve this, regardless of if the phantom ports are Digi product ports or
other vendor’s serial ports.
Please see the info at this link: