Edgeport/1 and WinXP SP3

Our Edgeport/1 (pn(1p)50000832-01 D) sn(s) I73043955) was working well with WinXP SP2. During SP3 upgrade, the installer noted that it couldn’t find the drivers for the device; then continued on. After the upgrade and reboot, we plugged the Edgeport back in, waited for the driver install prompt, however it was searching for a file that was not available on the install CD.

We have checked the website for driver updates, but all available on the site give the same result.


“however it was searching for a file that was not available on the install CD”

It sounds like the above statement sums up the issue-at-hand. Please give me more details of this error message. For example, type the exact wording here or send me a screen capture of that error.

Thanks for the reply. Tech support was able to figure it out. I had to use the configure tool to uninstall; then allow windows to find it again. Then point windows to the driver location.

Thanks for your help.