I am trying to use the WriteEEPROM and ReadEEPROM functions to store configuration information between board-update actions. Something seems to be wrong. I’m using a BL4S200, with DynC 10.54.
Below is some test code I slapped together, hoping to find the problem:
#use “BLXS2XX.LIB”
#use “I2C.LIB”
unsigned int Test;
void main(void)
Test = 0x3631;
printf("Test = 0x%X
", Test);
WriteEEPROM(0, Test, 2);
Test = 0xFACE;
printf("Test = 0x%X
", Test);
ReadEEPROM(Test, 0, 2);
printf("Test = 0x%X
", Test);
My output is:
Test = 0x3631
Test = 0xFACE
Test = 0xFACE
Anyone see what I’ve got wrong?
Thanks in advance,
– Kevin