Error ID blocks RCM6710

In some day something happened with RCM6710 - on try to compile and download program to RabbitCore i see compilation error:
line 19 : WARNING SYSCONFIG.LIB : DC_CLK_DBL should always be defined, but was not defined:
line 20 : WARNING SYSCONFIG.LIB : Defined DC_CLK_DBL to 0 (disabled clock doubler recommendation).
line 27 : ERROR BOARDTYPES.LIB : No ID Block found on the target board.
line 28 : ERROR BOARDTYPES.LIB : Please contact Rabbit Technical Support at for assistance.
As i understand - ID blocks in rabbit is clear, but how this happens? I don’t use writeUserBlock() or some like functions.
And more important - how i can to repair my device?

I hope you are using RCM6710 Rev G (P/N 20-101-1319) modules? if you are using this revision modules or above, you need to use the latest serial flash patch , the latest RCM6710 Rev G modules should compile with this serial flash.
You can download this patch from the below link.


Use the latest version of Dynamic C 10.72B.

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Hello, i am not using RCM6710 Rev G

Ok, It seems module lost the id block. You can set the ID block using the write_idblock_rcm67xx.c application under C:\DCRABBIT_10.72B\Utilities\Write_ID

hello! i’l do as You say - and all it’s fine! Thank You!