I am trying to run the demo on an X8, I have updated my firmware and the python.zip file, after rebooting I now get the following error message:
#> python dia.py
Determining platform type…Digi Python environment found.
iDigi Device Integration Application Version 1.1.11
Using settings file: dia.yml
Core: initial garbage collection of 0 objects.
Attempting to read “dia.yml” in “WEB/python/dia.zip”…
Core: post-settings garbage collection of 25 objects.
Starting Channel Manager…
Starting Device Driver Manager…
Exception during dynamic class load:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “src\devices\device_driver_manager.py”, line 130, in driver_load
File “src\common\classloader.py”, line 52, in classloader
File “src\devices\xbee\xbee_device_manager\xbee_device_manager.py”, line 74, i
n ?
ImportError: No module named zigbee
Exception during core initialization:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “src\core\core_services.py”, line 210, in run
File “src\devices\device_driver_manager.py”, line 79, in init
File “src\settings\settings_base.py”, line 170, in init
File “src\devices\device_driver_manager.py”, line 85, in apply_settings
File “src\devices\device_driver_manager.py”, line 96, in __reenumerate_devices
File “src\devices\device_driver_manager.py”, line 135, in driver_load
DeviceDriverClassLoadError: unable to load ‘devices.xbee.xbee_device_manager.xbe
e_device_manager:XBeeDeviceManager’: exceptions.ImportError:No module named zigb
CoreServices: fatal exception caught! Halting execution.
GarbageCollector: collected 0 objects.
The box just seems to hang and needs a reboot to recover it now, can anyone help please???