Ext Int problem


could me somebody help how to handle external interrupt in 9210.

I have change in gpio.h definition:


to enable EXTIRQ1


as it is needed by example

but compiler reports error message: its not possible to assign …

I really need to use IRQ,

I have NET OS 7.4


What is the full error that the compiler is reporting?

#error (IS_6_WIRE_UART(BSP_GPIO_MUX_SERIAL_A)) and (BSP_GPIO_MUX_IRQ_1 == BSP_GPIO_MUX_USE_PRIMARY_PATH) cannot both be true in gpio.h. [./devices/ns9xxx/ns9215/gpio/gpio.c]

It looks as if you need to chang the definition for BSP_GPIO_MUX_SERIAL_A to BSP_GPIO_MUX_SERIAL_2_WIRE_UART or BSP_GPIO_MUX_SERIAL_4_WIRE_UART.

I Suspect that the IRQ pin is shared with DSR or DTR on the serial port.

yeah, I agree with rdeabill,

Many Thanks,

Yes, I have change to 2wire UART and all running good.