FEP FAILURE error (Xem RH_ES_3)

I’m having a configuration problem. I’ve got an Xem and I’m trying to configure on Redhat ES 3.

I think I’ve done everything right, dgpa driver loads without errors, but DPA option of MPI shows FEP failure.

BEWARE: I’ve got the card installed, and I’ve configured it with 2 16 port modules, but the modules are NOT connected!!! I have to keep the modules connected to our OLD server until I’ve got the NEW server configures and I’m trying to configure the NEW server.

Is it possible that the FEP failure is simply that the cards aren’t connected?

Thanks in advance!

Steve Dorst


Change “cards” to “modules” in my original post, so the actual question should read:

Is it possible that the FEP failure is simply that the modules aren’t connected?

Xem modules have to be connected for driver to load, hence the error message you are getting.

That’s definitely your problem. I did the same thing on Windows 2003 and it gave me blue screens.

Thanks to both responses. I thought so. It would be REALLY nice if there was some way around this. For a small business, it’s tough trying to test a new server when it relies on hardware that must be connected to the production server.

Sigh…Just increases the time necessary to get it configured when it can only be done nights and weekends (when tech support is generally NOT available unless one wants to pay LOTS)