We are using NetOS (7.4.1) project for the ConnectCore9P 9215.
I have a strange problem when I download the firmware to Fully empty device through JTAG debugger.
When we see the download progress in J-Link GDB screen here it shows download is successful .
After that one message is coming ‘Starting target CPU……….’, after that it halts, nothing happens.
After that If I stop and try to download some sample application (i.e. sample application comes with NETOS) to this device, it shows the same behaviour but after we try for 3-4 times then download is successful and it starts the application.
Once download is successful, after that any application works fine.
Maybe for a fully emty device we have to flash a working U-Boot.
But I don’t know where the problem is ?
and how can I flash a working U-Boot to fully empty device?
Is this possible that I can merger rom.bin and image.bin to on file and download only this file?
Can I use BDI1000 for doing firmware download ?
Try powering off the CC9P 9215 - start up the GDB Server manually (Start -> Programs -> Segger -> JTAG Link -> GDB Server) and then try executing the debug session. It could be you have something funky in the boot loader area that’s causing the processor to get into a strange state. Otherwise check your cable connections and try re-seating the module on the development board. If you have it on your own PCB, try placing it on Digi’s development board. It could be your JTAG lines on your PCB have a bunch of interference (see the schematic Digi provides for it’s development board for help).
Also NET+OS doesn’t use U-Boot on the Connect Core 9P 9215 modules, so trying to put it in flash won’t help. I’ve also never tried to get the BDI to work, but NET+OS 7.5 has a built in flash plug in that allows you to write directly to flash through the Digi ESP. If you wanted the upgrade you’d just need to buy it from Digi directly.
Here In our case this code of segement in file ‘bsproot.c’ creates problem
if (filesystem_init ()) /*initialize file system for C lib functions and ftp, email, http modules */
netosFatalError (“Unable to initialize file system”, 1, 1);
When I commnet this section of code and recompile BSP after that it works fine .