bootloader damaged

hi, i have damaged the boootloader/bsp from my connectcore Wi-9P 9215(I have erased the flash). I use Digi ESP for NET+OS 7.4.2. Has somebody this problem before and how did you solve this?

This is SEGGER J-LinkGDB Server V3.88 log:

ERROR: Could not find supported CPU core on JTAG chain

J-Link connected
Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Oct 7 2010 10:56:54
Hardware: V8.00
Feature(s): GDB
ERROR: Could not find supported CPU core on JTAG chain
ERROR: Could not connect to target.

Resetting target and trying again to connect…
WARNING: Received 0 as core Id.
WARNING: Received 0 as core Id.
ERROR: Could not find supported CPU core on JTAG chain
Bad JTAG communication: Write to IR: Expected 0x1, got 0x3 (TAP Command : 2) @ Off 0x5.

ERROR: Could not connect to target.

Have you tried Recovering the device.

Digi ESP -> Help ->Help Contents -> Digi ESP For NET+OS User Guide -> Tasks -> Recovering a NET+OS Device

Thank you for reply. Im trying to do it now but how i can disable the flash. I cant find any information about it in the hardware reference guide.

How you have erased the flash??
you dont need to disable the flash for recovery.

I have erased the flash with SEGGER J-Flash ARM. The Program process was aborted during programing.

You should have successfully recovered the device by this time