A friend gave me his AnywhereUSB 2.0 Plus, part number AW02-G300, serial number AW02-003679. I’ve connected it to one of the ports on my Unifi switch and have powered it up. I attached an external USB drive to the DIGI device.
My laptop connects to my home network via Wi-Fi. I installed the AnywhereUSB Manager software, version, on the laptop. Using the AnywhereUSB Manager app on my PC I can see that I’m in Service Mode. I’ve gone to Setup and made the Client ID match my PC’s name: DESKTOP-5VDSOLS.
I logged into the Digi UI software and went to System, Configuration, Device Configuration, expanded System, and set the Hostname to my PC’s ID (above).
I’ve been thru Digi’s troubleshooting AnywhereUSB® Plus User Guide.
I’ve made sure that port 18574 is open on my network.
The IP address for the device is I can ping this successfully.
No matter if the Anywhere device is connected directly to my PC or to my switch, these are the results.
Attempting to connect
Unable to connect
Unregistered Client ID