How does one get back to the Access Menu from a console session

In the Digi Remote Manager, once i connect to a console over serial, i would like to get back to the main Access Menu. Is there a keystroke or some command that allows me to do this? I have 20 or so serial devices that i constantly switch between and i have to constantly open new tabs until i hit the limit. Is there an easier way to do switch between multiple console sessions?


What Digi product are you using here?

Hello @aerickson . Assuming you can access the Console UI of your Digi Remote Manager devices, did you notice the little icon that allows you to pop out the Console UI for a selected device into its own tab?

You can also pop open a new tab in your browser, and directly link to the Console UI of any of your devices by substituting the Device ID into the following url (assuming you’re already logged in to the platform):<Device ID>?type=stream

Where <Device ID> is the actual Device ID of a provisioned device under your Digi RM account.
Please give it a try!