How much time does an end device wake (minimum wake time) after it sends a message in the pin sleep, ?

I want to know the minimum wake time after end device send a message in the pin sleep.
I have some problem to get the message from end devices and sometimes end devices disassociated and failed to join for long time(300 seconds it’s sleep time is 10 seconds).

1)I want to know how much time the micro-controller wakes the module after end device send a message in the pin sleep.
Our firmware set the wake time after sending message about 50 ms. I think it is proper time.
We changed 1 sec and 250 ms. For 1 sec, 4 sensors worked well during 13 hours.
But for 250 ms one sensor showed 2 times node identifier(300 s, 90 s) during 13 hours. Others worked well.
We need low power consumption for battery life.

  1. Low wake time makes end device disassociated?

  2. If there is a lot of router, is it related to minimum wake time?

You can tell the radio to power off within a few ms after sending the data. The radio will remain on regardless until the data is transmitted.

No, a low wake time does not make it disassociate. It is your sleep time and not telling your parent router or coordinator the longest sleep time that your Pin sleep end device will sleep for that causes it.

Thank you for your reply.
I set the profile as following (Xbee s2c).

Coordinator and Router’s profile are

End Device(pin sleep 10 sec sleep)'s profile is
SP=AF0 SN=1 ST=1388 SO=0

So, I think so it is proper…the longest SP of parent router’s and coordinator’s sleep setting is the longest sleep time that my Pin sleep end device will sleep .

These are my full settings.
Please check my settings for 10 sec pin sleep profile
I need 2 mins pin sleep profile, also.
Please send me 10 secs profile and 2 mins pin sleep profile for coordinator, router, end device respectively.

Coordinator’s profile
xb24-s2c-th_4059.xml ID=B SC=4000 SD=3 ZS=0 NJ=FF NW=0 JV=1 JN=1 CE=1 DO=0 DC=0 DH=0 DL=0 NI=C1 NH=1E BH=0 AR=FF DD=A0000 NT=3C NO=0 CR=3 SE=E8 DE=E8 CI=11 TO=0 PL=4 PM=1 EE=0 EO=0 KY= NK= BD=3 NB=0 SB=0 RO=3 D7=1 D6=0 AP=2 AO=0 CT=64 GT=3E8 CC=2B SP=AF0 SN=FFFF SM=0 ST=1388 SO=0 WH=0 PO=0 D0=1 D1=0 D2=0 D3=0 D4=0 D5=1 D8=1 D9=1 P0=1 P1=0 P2=0 P3=1 P4=1 PR=1FBF PD=1FFF LT=0 RP=28 IR=0 IC=0 V+=0

Router’s profile
xb24-s2c-th_4059.xml ID=B SC=7FFF SD=3 ZS=0 NJ=FF NW=1 JV=0 JN=1 CE=0 DO=0 DC=0 DH=0 DL=0 NI=R62 NH=1E BH=0 AR=FF DD=A0000 NT=3C NO=0 CR=3 SE=E8 DE=E8 CI=11 TO=0 PL=4 PM=1 EE=0 EO=0 KY= NK= BD=5 NB=0 SB=0 RO=3 D7=0 D6=0 AP=2 AO=0 CT=64 GT=3E8 CC=2B SP=AF0 SN=FFFF SM=0 ST=1388 SO=0 WH=0 PO=0 D0=0 D1=0 D2=0 D3=0 D4=0 D5=1 D8=1 D9=1 P0=0 P1=0 P2=0 P3=1 P4=1 PR=1FBF PD=1FFF LT=0 RP=28 IR=0 IC=0 V+=0

End’s profile
xb24-s2c-th_4059.xmlID=B SC=7FFF SD=3 ZS=0 NJ=FF NW=0 JV=0 JN=1 CE=0 DO=0 DC=0 DH=0 DL=0 NI=E21 NH=1E BH=0 AR=FF DD=A0000 NT=3C NO=0 CR=3 SE=E8 DE=E8 CI=11 TO=0 PL=4 PM=1 EE=0 EO=0 KY= NK= BD=6 NB=0 SB=0 RO=3 D7=0 D6=0 AP=2 AO=0 CT=64 GT=3E8 CC=2B SP=AF0 SN=1 SM=1 ST=1388 SO=0 WH=0 PO=0 D0=0 D1=0 D2=0 D3=0 D4=0 D5=1 D8=1 D9=0 P0=0 P1=0 P2=0 P3=1 P4=1 PR=1FBF PD=1FFF LT=0 RP=28 IR=0 IC=0 V+=0