Hello to everybody!
I have two modules XBee Pro 900HP S3B,
and am triing to make a simple network with two nodes:
seller and reciever (within one room).
My steps:
I loaded the firmware 8071 in module1(seller), set role “STANDARD ROUTER”,
network ID = 1234, NI=comp1, Dl and DH - equal to SL and SH of module2
(reciever). -
I inserted module1 in IO Shield and then in Arduino UNO, which was earlier
loaded with sketch, sending time 1 time per second. (Yellow Led on Arduino
was blinking 1 time per second, then only little yellow “TX” was blinking on card
IO Shield 1 time per second.) All this construction is connected to computer 1. -
I loaded the firmware 8071 in module2(reciever), set role “STANDARD ROUTER”,
network ID = 1234, NI=comp2. I have connected the module2 to computer 2.
Is it enough to see data from module1 in “Terminal”-window?
I see nothing. (When I type “+++”, I see “OK”.)
When I press to “Digi Device Discovery”, I see “No devices found”.
What I did wrong?
Is blinking of “TX” the proof that seller works?
How I can be sure that seller works?