how to configure a repeater between a coordinator(API mode) and two Router(AT mode).

Hi everyone,
i am using 3 XBee S2 device with one coordinator(API Mode) and two router (AT mode).At router end sensor is connected through controller.
i can communicate coordinator(API) to both router(AT) and vice-versa successfully.
Now my both router is placed at out of range of coordinator.
i want to use repeater between then such that coordinator(API Mode) can communicate to both router(AT mode).

my setting for coordinator is:
PAN ID=1234
coordinator DH=coordinator SH
coordinator DL=coordinator SL

my setting for Router1 is:
PAN ID=1234
Router1 DH=coordinator SH
Router1 DL=coordinator SL

my setting for Router2 is:
PAN ID=1234
Router2 DH=coordinator SH
Router2 DL=coordinator SL

Please any body give me suggestion to configure a repeater between a coordinator(API mode) and two Router(AT mode)

The DH/DL of the transmitting radio should be set to the SH/SL of the receiving radio.

A repeater on the same network (same OP and CH) will forward messages between other radios automatically.