I’d like to know how it is possible to minimize the pairing time. I am using 3 xbee SMT Grove development board for this test. I’ve configured 1 to be the coordinator and 2 to be routers and monitor the messages using XCTU. When I start the coordinator I can see the network starting in less than a second, however when I start the routers I notice a 3-7 seconds delay before the routers are able to join the coordinator network. Is it possible to reduce this joining time to be less than 1 second? preferably 0.5 sec or lower? What configurations will be required?
The only way to reduce this time is to set all nodes to use a single channel or two channels to work on (SC). The only other option is to use either the 802.15.4 firmware/standard if Mesh is not really required (Hopping to reach the destination is required) or use Digi Mesh.
In this case it is not actually pairing, the routers are already paired. It is the time to join the network.
The join time will be drastically reduced if you set both of the following parameters to 0, disabled. This has to be done only after pairing, otherwise they will not be able to pair.
You are referring to the time you are “Allowing joining” and not how long it actually takes to Join or associate with a network. The actual association time can only be adjusted for a first time join or a New Join can only be adjusted as I have stated.
Thanks to both for your replies. I’ve noticed before that Disabling JV reduces the join time however there are instances where the xbee joins an unknown network and remains there indefinitely. JN only prevents new devices from joining the Network which is not what I was attempting to achieve but it is a good reminder as I can use it for the designed purpose. I’ve also tried to Set SC to 1 and still I couldn’t achieve joining times below 3 seconds. I am now testing the Digi mesh firmware and as a first thought I can confirm it is quicker, it can connect to other devices within 1 second (at least it seems).
From the sounds of it, you are really doing a Point to point, point to multi-point network with no need for hops as they are all three in range. If that is the case, then I would suggest simply using the 802.15.4 firmware at default settings. The radios are then ready to receive and send data from a power on state as soon as /CTS changes state. Generally in under 500ms.
Hi, I’ve used Digimesh and I can confirm it is much faster than zigbee and I am able to start sending messages in less than 1 second. The network join time has reduces a lot, from being 3-7 seconds to being less than 1 second.