How to set baudrate of USB Serial Gadget to 115,2 kBit/s?

Activating USB OTG by entering “$modprobe g_serial” adds the device /dev/ttyGS0 on ConnectCore 6 SBC (running the firmware “2.0-r3 ccimx6sbc”). Linux/Windows PCs can connect to that USB Serial gadget BUT the baudrate is 9600 bits/s only.

“$stty -F /dev/ttyGS0 9600” works, but it cannot be changed to another baudrate.

Any ideas? Thanks,

I had a bug in my code (sent less binary data than expected). Also 115,2 kBit/s do work out of the box:

Open ttyACM0 on host machine:
$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200

Transmit data to the host machine, on target board:
$ echo “hi” > /dev/ttyGS0