how to setup mesh network in xbee3 Digmesh 2.4 RF module

we are using Digi XBee® 3 DigiMesh 2.4 RF Module

Firmware Version :- 300B
Working with Synchronous Cyclic Sleep

Coordinator (RXU) Settings :-

Device Role:- Indirect msg coordinator
Channel number(CH) = 13
Network ID(ID) = 32767
Sleep mode = 7
Network delay slots(NN) = 3
Broadcast Multi-Transmits(MT) = 3
Network Hops(NH) = 7
Mesh unicast retries(MR) = 3
Sleep period(SP) = 600 Seconds
Sleep Time(ST) = 2 Seconds

End device (TXU) Settings :-

Device Role:- Standard Router
Channel number(CH) = 13
Network ID(ID) = 32767
Sleep mode = 8
Network delay slots(NN) = 3
Broadcast Multi-Transmits(MT) = 3
Network Hops(NH) = 7
Mesh unicast retries(MR) = 3


  • we are using mesh networking all our 20 devices while be in mesh networking ,what should be the Device Role of Coordinator and end devices? All the end devices are battery powered, if the end device NO 1 which is in range of coordinator and Device No 2 is not in range of coordinator and in range with end Device NO 1 , battery of Device No 1 got drained and shutdown , Device No 2 will lose the network with coordinator and will lose the synchronization with coordinator it will effect the battery life ,till Device NO 1 is replaced and again synchronized with network ,how to resolve this issue, we are using pushing scheme, please help us out

Does device NO 2 have another node in which it can reach the coordinator or another node with? If not, then you need to have more than one path for data to flow to keep this from occurring.

right now device no 2 does not have another node to reach the coordinator , so till I replace the device no 1, will the device no 2 will follow the last Sleep period and sleep time settings got from coordinator or it will be wakeup forever till I replace the device no 1? and please confirm what device role should be set in both coordinator and end device

please do reply

No it will not stay awake for ever. But depending on its settings, its wake time may increase on each missed sleep sync packet till it is awake all the time or until the sleep sync packet is received.