I am trying to boot a Linux kernel using this http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90001422_B.pdf tutorial on the ConnectCore 6 platform from a sdcard.
- u-boot binary image is copied onto the sdcard with the dd command as indicated.
- I have set a jumper has indicated at the end
I tried to use the provided files dey-image-minimal-ccmc6adpt.sdcard as well as the u-boot-ccimx6adpt.imx.
I also have tried to create a new image from the last u-boot sources and the 3.2 kernel.
In all these cases, the only result I have is one non-ascii character displayed through the serial terminal.
Standard androïd boot is OK when removing the jumper, but I cannot stop u-boot from booting when hitting a key as asked by u-boot.
Any help or tutorial to to boot a linux kernel from a SDCard on this platform is welcome.