https service on ConnectPort X2?

While I can reach the web interface of our X2 via http, there is no response via https. I have confirmed via the CLI that https is active on the default port of 443. If works, why doesn’t
index state ipport keepalive nodelay dlyd-ack service
1 off 7 off off 200 TCP Echo Service
2 off 7 na na 200 UDP Echo Service
3 on 23 off off 200 Telnet Service
5 on 80 na na 200 HTTP Service
6 on 161 na na 200 SNMP Service
4 on 443 na na 200 HTTPS Service
7 on 2362 na na 200 ADDP Service

Any help is much appreciated.

Hi there,

I’ve confirmed this is true from both Internet Explorer and Firefox, so I’ll be letting engineering know so this issue can be resolved. If I hear of a work-around I’ll let you know…

Thanks Michael. For reference, my ConnectPort X2 is running

Model: ConnectPort X2
Firmware: (Version 82001596_B 04/15/2008)
POST: 1.1.3 (release_82001229_D)