I have the digi meshkit with 3 modules and firmware 100D, xbee zigbee 3.0 vs meshkit firmware 3012?

Are the modules in the digimesh kit only able to use the xbee zigbee 3.0 firmware loads vs the xbee zigbee meshkit load?

option when loading firmware:

xbee zigbee 3.0 v100D (original load) as delivered
xbee zigbee 3.0 meshkit v 3012 (newest)

Are these modules able to handle either firmware? or are there different module needed?


All of the XBee 3 2.4 GHz modules can support any of the three function sets or firmware options such as 802.15.4, Zigbee or Digi Mesh. The only difference is the total number of nodes that come in the kits or what firmware option codes installed on the module from the factory.