is possible configure cellular component on micropython mode on XBee3 LTE-M?

On a XBee3 Cellular LTE-M, Is possible configure the intern cellular componet (u-blox SARA module), like that on bypass mode, but from micropython mode? I need to configure some parameters on cellular module from micropython code every time the module connects to the internet, but this parameters are not avaliables from XBee AT commands or python’s XBee module.

Can you describe which parameters you need to configure into the cellular component, and why? Depending on what it is, there may be a workaround already present in the firmware, or a reason to submit a feature request through Digi support.

I need to change the command CEDRXS (AT+CEDRXS=3) to disable extended discontinuous reception (eDRX) parameters. I have problems to disable permanetly eDRX with AT&T network, when the modem connect to internet the modem set the parameters from the network (enabling eDRX). This don’t happens with Verizon network. I need change this parameter after the connection, to mantain a continuous communication with less latency.