Xbee3 module in bypass mode does not responds sometimes


I am working with Xbee3 module for cellular connectivity.
This module is configured in bypass mode to directly access u-blox sara r4 functionalities.

I am currently running tcp-socket operations to communicate with cloud.

My issue is, after configuring in bypass mode module responds to AT command sometime but sometime it doesn’t reply.

I used below commands ATE0(echo mode control), AT+CFUN=15(reboot), AT+UPMSR=0(power saving mode disabled) etc…

I further found that it happened only when previous network operation wad interrupted by means of either resetting MCU, crashing in between.

So what could be the issue ?

Please let me know if any more information is required from my end.

Any help would be appreciable.


You should be using USB direct mode instead. Also make sure that the modem is on current firmware and be aware that the U-Blox module can take a while to come up before it will respond.