xbee3 Firmware upgrade for cellular module does not work

I am working with xbee3 cellular module to be in bypass mode.
My module has 11516 firmware and I tried to install upgrade for cellular u-blox sara r4.

In this process it installs Qualcomm USB drivers and my two switches on XCTU are turned OFF as per the instructions.

After this it installs 11416 again (successfully), it resets module (from XCTU UI only) and waits for module for trying cellular upgrade, but it wait limitless and does not detect module to do further processing.
At this time in device manager i can see Qualcomm usb driver available and my USB micro b cable also has data support available.

But thought even module is not detected and hence i can not upgrade to cellular firmware.

So can you please guide what could be missing here ?

Please let me know if anything is required from my side.



Can anyone help me in here please ?


May i expect any replay please ?


You do realize the Bypass Mode is a deprecated feature, and it is a feature that is very problematic. The online UG has a section about the Bypass Mode being unresponsive.


Can you use either Transparent Mode or API Mode instead?

Thank you for an answer,

I am working with port of freeRTOS for ublox.
They do have a port which works only with AT commands present in Bypass mode only.

In my previous release I was able to perform that and my port of aws freeRTOS was working (sending MQTT) as well.

I was using 11415 and L0. cellular firmwares.

Is there any other way to rollback to these mentioned versions ? I do have XCTU.
