Jtag interface not working

Hi everybody,

I just got the Digi Wi-9C jumpstart kit in, but can’t seem to connect to it. After digging further down into the problem I found out the Jtag link can’t find the ARM9 processor. It can however find 1 device, which i suspect is the Jtag link itself. The jlink.exe (jlink commander) log is below. Can somebody confirm that this device I find is not my ARM9?
And is there any reason this won’t work?
I’ve checked the following:
The digi wi-9C is working. I have FTP access and can change settings with the serial console.
The JTAG link is found by the PC. It is responding and active.
The JTAG connector is connected to the board and working because:

  • I can measure the supply voltage on it’s pins.
  • If I remove the connector, I will see that in the JTAG Commander
  • It can’t be connected wrong, since the connector prevents that. (And the red line is at pin 1)

Any pointers on what the problem can be?

Thanks in advance

Dick Kruithof

J-Link>usb 0
Connecting to J-Link via USB (Port: 0)
DLL version V3.59b, compiled Jan 17 2007 17:49:06
Firmware: J-Link compiled Jan 17 2007 14:58:19 ARM Rev.5
Hardware: V5.40
S/N : 35400541
Feature(s) : GDB
VTarget = 3.190V
JTAG speed: 30 kHz

****** Error: Could not find ARM7 / ARM9 device on JTAG chain
Found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 3:
Id of device #0: 0x09105031
Trying to connect with 5 kHz !

****** Error: Could not find ARM7 / ARM9 device on JTAG chain
Found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 3:
Id of device #0: 0x09105031

And when the connector is disconnected:
J-Link>usb 0
Connecting to J-Link via USB (Port: 0)
DLL version V3.59b, compiled Jan 17 2007 17:49:06
Firmware: J-Link compiled Jan 17 2007 14:58:19 ARM Rev.5
Hardware: V5.40
S/N : 35400541
Feature(s) : GDB
VTarget = 0.000V

****** Error: Supply voltage too low (1 Volt is required, Measured: 0.0 Volt).
Please check target power.
JTAG speed: 30 kHz

I’ve determined that the one device that is found IS the Arm9 unit. The software doesn’t recognise this as a ARM9 however.
I have no solution yet to this problem.

Some of the kits shipped with a jumper on the small JTAG adapter in the incorrect position. Try changing the position of that and trying again.