Keeping nodes off network

Product: XBP9B-DMSTB-002
Firmware: 8075

I am using a Coordinator with up to 30-35 routers that do not currently sleep. They may in the future, which is why I set it this way, but right now it’s easy to just issue ND from Coordinator and build the node table once. Each router has a unique 5-digit NI and each coordinator is just “COORD” so not unique. As expected, if the network nodes are close enough, the routers start joining back and forth until the Coordinator has issues managing all the Routers.

Without changing the application deployed to the programmable Routers, can I do anything to actively manage my node table on the coordinator while these conditions exist? The node table basically fills up from the constant back and forth and can no longer accept anyone using its periodic ‘ND’.

Now lets say I know what Routers are supposed to be paired with the Coordinator and this information is available in my system. Would synchronously going through node_table[NODE_SIZE] and removing any unauthorized nodes help? I only see node_add() in _nodetable.c, which if I am looking at the code correctly, might allow me to replace an existing (unauthorized) entry with NULL information.


The best thing to do is to set unique PAN ID’s or different channels for the different networks.

I can have my Coordinator issue commands programmatically to do this, but at that point my Coordinator would be using the alternate PAN ID itself to manage router nodes set to alternate PAN. If I had a whitelist of the nodes I knew needed to be there, I’d have to:
1.) search my whitelist for nodes that aren’t on this alternate PAN yet,
2.) if any are not there, temporarily switch PAN ID back to default PAN and apply changes
3.) scan default PAN network for missing nodes, add them to table and instruct them to change to alternate PAN
4.) switch PAN ID back to alt PAN and apply changes
5.) discover/rebuild node table

There is no white list function. Your only way is to either change the channel or pan ID.

The whitelist function would be handled by an external/independent microcontroller.