I am trying to conduct a loopback test between 2 XBee Pro Series 1 modules.
One module is connected to the computer via a USB adapter from Sparkfun, while the other sits on a Explorer Regulated adapter, also from Sparkfun. The remote set is powered externally using a 5V source. I have connected the DIN to the DOUT of the remote set.
The modules have been configured using XCTU, having the default settings (Modem: XBP24, Function Set: XBEE Pro 802.15.4, Version: 10ED) except:
- Source Address - each module has its own unique address
- Destination Address - pointing to the other module
- PAN ID - set to the same value of 1234
- Baud Rate - 57600
Using the terminal to send commands, I do not get any response from the remote module. I see the Rx LED of the computer module flashing when sending commands, as well as the DOUT LED of the remote module. But somehow it does not send back anything.
Photo of setup: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpyq7oakvkvdujt/XBeeLoopbackSetup.jpg?dl=0
Is there something else I need to configure with the XBees? Any help is appreciated.
edit: SOLVED! it was a faulty connecting wire. the loopback is working fine now.