My Xbee modules don’t communicate between them at all. One side is PC with Sparkfun USB Explorer, the other side is Xbee on Sparkfun Xbee Shield. I configured both Xbees using XCTU ver I am able to test/query both of them. Command atnd does discover the remote module, but range test fails completely. Eventually I restored both to factory settings using Restore feature on XCTU, still same issue. I am jumpering TX/RX on the remote Xbee to perform the Range Test. I see RX led blinking on USB side and Dout LED blinkind on remote side. Can you please suggest any more tests to solve this issue? Thanks
Xbees are: Xbee Pro, XBP24, Series 1, 60mW,
Computer Side: Sparkfun Explorer USB
Arduino Side: Sparkfun Wbee Shield (To isolate from other issues I’ve unplugged the shield from Arduino and only connected 5V/GND power to the regulator on shield, apart from RX/TX jumper)