I forgot the passowrd assigned to my DIGI-ME !!! someone can helpme to set again the default one root/dbps??

It is possible to disable password??


If you can upload programs on your device, chose your favorite one and add the following:

devBoardParamsType nvParams;

/* Read NVRAM parameters */

The password is located in (nvParams.rootPassword). Now you can printf-it to stdio or display it wherever you want.


It sounds as if you are working with one of our Intergration kits, correct? If this is the case, the information Ivica had provided is not relevant.

To reset the Connect ME back to its factory default, follow the procedure discussed in the Digi Connect Family User’s guide (http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90000565_E.pdf) on pages 122-126.


Thanks for your reply
I’m using the EVABOARD 30006001-02,
As stated on page 123 of user’s guide 90000565_E, “Restoring a Digi Connect device to its factory default settings will clear all current configuration settings except the IP address settings and the administrator password” . Anyhow I will try to power up the EVA board holding down the reset button for more than 40 seconds (in my first attempt I hold it down only fo a few seconds after power up!!!).
Thanks again

Holding the reset button, for any period of time, on the Connect ME/Wi-ME will be fruitless.

The above referred to document refers directs you to the Connect Me/Wi-ME HArdware Reference Guide (http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90000631_F.pdf). This document describes the procedure for perfoming a ‘soft reset’, on page 40. A soft reset uses pin 20, which is not connected to any button.


Problem solved

Thanks Mr. Cameron