Moving console OFF of ttyNS0 in Linux

(Posted this in an incorrect place before, so correcting now.)

Hello, I’m completely new to the Digi Connect ME 9210 platform. However, I’ve dealt with both ARM7 and ARM9 processors from Cypress and Samsung.

After digging around for a while, it seems as though I can move the standard ttyNS0(ttyS0) port with some u-boot configurations. Unfortunately, the only variable I’ve seen reference to is the “silent” console that seems to have no effect.

Currently, I need to be able to take over full control of the ttyNS0 serial device without any other software using it concurrently. I believe that cttyhack is currently in use on the port and might be fudging up my program. My application is working very well, and the only stumbling block at the moment is this shared-access to the ttyNS0.

Any help?