X-Stick used as ZigBee Coordinator in a secured network loses connection with devices after updating the firmware. Another X-Stick initialized as ZigBee router in the same network can still find devices even if after update firmware.
Steps to reproduce the problem
- Initialize X-Stick ZC. Set PAN ID, Network Key, Trust center link Key and Enable Encryption
set xb SC=0x2000
set xb NK=0x################################
set xb KY=0x################################
set xb ID=0x111111111111
set xb II=0x4000
set xb EE=0x01 Enable Encryption
set xb WR
- Form ZigBee network with other XBee modules initialized as ZigBee Routers
- Router nodes joins ZC network with Trust center link key, receives network key
- Perform ND from ZC. ZC is able to find devices. Works fine
- Update X-Stick with new firmware
- Perform ND from ZC. X-Stick coordinator is unable to find devices
Steps to recover
Option 1 : Recycle at least one of ZigBee router (XBee) modules. After this X-Stick ZC can find recycled node and through that other nodes.
Option 2: Take another X-Stick and initialize it as ZC with network parameters. It is able to find all devices. But if we update this X-Stick again, then ND will fail again
We suspect that X-Stick ZC is not able to find devices after updating firmware because security counters are lost. We came to this conclusion because, if we take X-Stick initialized as ZC and change trust center and network key, we can reproduce the same problem.
Did any body face similar issue ? Is our conclusion correct regarding security counters ? Is there a solution available? Did anybody solve problem in a different way ?