No communication between PC and R3000


I am using R3000 processor in my unit. I am unable to communicate it from PC.

The 29MHz Clock which i am using is coming fine. Same with 32Khz clock also.

Are there any other issues i need to take care off to establish communication between PC and R3000.

Please reply ASP


In order for anybody to offer help you need to give allot more detail about whats going on over there.

I am using R3000 processor in my unit

does this mean you are using a RCM3000 RabbitCore module or you have designed your own board using the 3000 processor ?

was it ever working or did it just quit ?

It just quit.

I have checked in all possible means & ways, but no progress in it

I have designed my own board using R3000
It got SRAM, and Flash

oh, well im out, anyone else care to help this guy ?

I usually troubleshoot my boards by checking the following:

  1. Current consumption - the board itself should take more than 20mA, and less than 100mA by itself. Typically I expect about 60mA. If it is outside these limits, then something is shorted or open on the board.
  2. The two clock circuits (32kHz, ??MHz) should be running when powered. Look at pins 49 and 113 on the rabbit with a scope or frequency counter to make sure they are operating and close to frequency.
  3. Put a scope probe on pin 8 of the programming header (STATUS). Tie pins 9 & 10 high (SMODE0, SMODE1). Tie pin 5 low (/RESET). While watching the scope (STATUS signal) let pin 5 go high. STATUS should toggle.

If #3 works, then the Rabbit processor itself is functioning. In that case, where in the programming cycle does Dynamic C indicate that it’s bad?


Thanks 4 ur reply.

i have checked in the way u have mentioned.

when the RESET pin is high, the STATUS pin is TOGGLINIG continously. Apart from that Pin 50 RESETOUT is also TOGGLING along with STATUS Pin.

yet no communication from PC. Dynamic C is still saying no Processor found.

is there any other way to check this out?


when the RESET pin is high, the STATUS pin is TOGGLINIG continously. Apart from that Pin 50 RESETOUT is also TOGGLING along with STATUS Pin.

yet no communication from PC. Dynamic C is still saying no Processor found.

The reset out should not be toggling like that. What other circuitry are the /RESET and RESOUT pins connected to? What is that circuitry doing?

Sounds like something is continuously resetting the processor.


Dear Adam,

   The RESOUT Pin is just left OPEN. Is it to be grounded?

  The RESET Pin is connected to MAX811R.

     Do I have to take care of any other pins?

   I have followed the Designer's handbook for designing my module.

        Please Reply


The RESOUT is fine left unconnected.

But it should not be toggling. Is the /RESET line also toggling? Is the input to the MAX811R also toggling? Try to find out what’s causing the toggling.


Dear stienman,

       I dint connected the target to the host. The SMODE0 and SMODE1 pins are also high. 

       The RESOUT(50) pin is not toggling continously. But a pulse of 10millisec duration is coming at times.

       After connecting to the host,  i am able to run diagnostics through SERIELIO.exe and found serial port A and RAM are OK (i am getting intended response).

       The RESOUT pin status is different with the working CORE module-RCM3110. 

       Still I am unable to communicate with RABBIT through Dynamic C. Its showing error message--"No Rabbit Processor found".

        I am unable to come to any conclusion whether processor is bad or my design.


Reply ASAP.
