I have a programmed a radio and put it into a device that is difficult to get to.
I would like to preform and OTA update and change its pan ID
The current profile that is set on that radio is:
PAN ID: 3332
CE is set to [0]
AP is set to transparent mode [0]
Am I able to program the existing radio using XCTU and a master radio with the DEV kit? Or is this not possible since the CE is set to 0?
September 13, 2022, 2:05pm
Yes you can but the Local PC radio will need to be in API mode. You will then be able to discover the remote radio and read/write the settings on that remote module via XCTU.
Okay. Are there instructions on how to do this?
September 14, 2022, 10:25am
There might be something in https://hub.digi.com/support/products/xctu/ or in the Product manual for the radio in question.