I’m using 2 XBees serie 1 in IO line passing.
One is Coordinator and one is End Device.
When my End Device enters in cyclic sleep mode, the output DIO5 returns to its default state (low) while the others outputs remain normally in their active state (high)!
All Dn parameters are equals to 0.
Thank you for your answers.
That sounds like an issue in the code and you will need to report that to tech support.
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It’s exactly, that I made, and engineering thinks they have resolved this problem and I’m waiting a firmware version containing that fix.
Thank you for your answer.
Hi Patmic,
I’m having the same problem (only difference is that my two XBee are set both as End Devices).
Did the support come back to you with the right firmware version?
Hi Blarzi,
The support told me that the bug is fixed but I’m always waiting for!!!