Hello, What exactly you want to interface with the RCM4000 and how you want to interface?
There is a sample applications MASTER_DEMO.C under
Please check,It may useful.
Hello, What exactly you want to interface with the RCM4000 and how you want to interface?
There is a sample applications MASTER_DEMO.C under
Please check,It may useful.
Sir ,I want to interface two RCM4000 modules each other.
Sir ,I want to interface two RCM4000 modules each other.I am having lot of confusion regarding the parallel port interfacing ,data ,address lines,etc. as I haven’t yet interfaced any devices.
sir can u please provide your email-id ,so that I can enquire more about this topic ?
Dear Aiswarya,
At digi website there is one more document regarding, How to interface two devices as a master and slave. I hope this helps you a lot.
Please go through the below technical note.
Hello Aiswarya,
One more document that will useful for you.This is Rabbit 4000 processor user’s manual, In this doc explained that the communication between Master and slave. pls check the section 18.Slave port,I hope it might helpful.
Sir,so for interfacing two RCM4000 modules together,should we implement the master-slave technique?